Happy Halloween!

It’s Tuco’s first Halloween! Originally, we were going to dress him up as middle management, but we figured that might be a little too heady for the age 0 to 1 set.

Unfortunately for Tuco, he had no say in which costume he’s wearing, so he is going to be a rooster. Once Halloween is over, I will continue dressing him like this until he outgrows the costume. It’s just too cute not to see him in this again and again. Just kidding. Or am I?

Coincidentally, my all time favorite David Sedaris essay is called “You Can’t Kill the Rooster” about his foul-mouthed, yet kind-hearted brother. It’s worth a read when you need to laugh. This has nothing to do with Tuco, but it doesn’t always have to be mommy-this and tummy-time that, does it?


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2 responses to “Happy Halloween!

  1. Oh my goodness!! What a cutie!! My youngest was a baby chick his first Halloween, my daughter was a flower and my oldest, who will be 13 in a few weeks was a bee!!! Love the baby costumes!!! Enjoy your first holiday! It is so magical!!!

  2. Expat Mammy

    very cute, happy halloween

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