Monthly Archives: January 2012

Tuco’s First Day in the Snow

Yesterday was like spring, and today is full-on winter. Oh, the tough lessons Tuco has to learn about Chicagoland weather.  The good news is that Tuco officially knows what it’s like to be on a sled in the snow. When I first started pulling him around the yard, he had a why-would-you-do-this-to-me look on his face. But after a short while, he discovered all the fun there is to have while someone pulls him around in a winter wonderland.

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The Park In January

Because it was so warm outside today, we took Tuco to the park. Man, I can’t wait until spring and summer, when we can go there whenever we want. It’s been a couple months since we were there last, and it seemed like the park was a whole new world for Tuco. See how much he loved it? Also, check out all the teeth in this kid’s mouth. Ridiculous!

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Baby in a Bath

I’ve been light on the blog entries because things have been busy, and Tuco has been good.  I just haven’t been able to come up with much that was blog worthy, but instead of letting this blog die like every other writing project I’ve ever started, I’ll keep it alive and post some pictures until the writer’s block clears. I know this is a lazy approach, but pictures of Tuco is more fun than a bunch of written malarkey, right?

Anyway, today’s pictures are from Tuco’s first bath in the bathtub without his baby bath. In other words, Tuco is sitting up in the bathtub by himself. He’s been sitting up in his baby bathtub for a while, but tonight was the first time he took a bath without it. This is a big deal. I mean, where once there was no room for a rubber ducky to float by, now there is a vast expanse (from Tuco’s perspective). He loved it.

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